1. IFU OFI-C (English, Dutch, Spanish and Italian)
2. IFU OFI-Y and OTI (English and Dutch)
3. ISO 13485 certificate OTN Implants
4. Safety and Effectiveness of BADAL X: Attalah et al, Plos One, 2020
- OT World presentation Leipzig Germany 11-5-2022
5. Socket vs Bone Anchored Prosthesis: Van de Meent et al, Arch Phys med Rehab, 2013
6. Review Socket vs Bone Anchored Prosthesis: Leijendekkers et al, Disability Rehab, 2017
7. Bone Anchored Prosthesis; Syst Rev of Clinical Outcomes: Hebert et al, JBJS Rev, 2017
10. Aftercare Guidelines (English)
Nachsorge Leitlinie (German)
11. Declaration of Conformity Surgical Instruments
Appendixes Declaration of Conformity Surgical Instruments
12. Brochure BADAL X:
- BADAL X Brochure in English
- BADAL X Brochure in German (BADAL X Broschüre auf Deutsch)
- BADAL X Brochure in Polish (BADAL X broszura po polskuh)
- BADAL X Brochure in Spanish (Folleto BADAL X en español)
- BADAL X Brochure in French (Brochure BADAL X en français)